Some facts about what I have seen in Europe, mixed with one lie, if you guess which one I'll give you Lisa for free
One of the skinnier women we saw on the beach |
Beaches are a little different here, some people are allowed to be topless, but there is a law, slipped into Greece's constitution, that only women who have long since lost any sexual desirability are allowed to walk around topless. Another rule is that their tits have to sag at least one foot, otherwise they are unable to take off their tops, thank god for democracy. In other news most men are allowed to wear speedos, especially if they are recovering frat boys from the united states who think they still have it. Also greek men have the innate ability to grow their chest hair out to the length of grass that hasnt been cut for two weeks, so long that the hair pokes through their shirts all over, looking like plants germinating out of the ground in the spring. The greeks also have an infatuation with economic depression and abysmally high ranges of debts, you can often see ruined businessmen masturbating to falling stock prices and prodigious public policy spending projects, its an odd fetish, but makes sense in this part of the world.
A close up view of Lisa's Head, day one |
Lisa immediately took a liking to the greek ideals of "bathe once a week or not at all" and has been steadily acquiring the musk of a slowly rotting caribou carcass, with multiple lice communities holding powwows in her hair and more than a few beetles taking refuge in her warm orifices. Personally I think it was a welcome change from her various perfumes and 'lovely scents' that reeked of capitalism and reminded me of something ayn rand would have enjoyed wearing, such decadence I have never before smelled. One riotous moment was when lisa boldly declared "i'd much rather go down on THOSE donkeys," professing her disdain for the donkeys she had previously ridden with wild, lustly, abandon earlier in the day. Only a truly evil woman can move between her various partners (of various species) with such nonchalance and capriciousness. Now though I have to go rub sunscreen on a few greek women who have just been dying for me to penetrate them, understandable considering the tight black leather pants I wore to the beach yesterday. Good thing its not lent and I can use protection again, only god (who doesn't exist) knows that I am much too promiscuous for my own good. I apologize for the brevity of this experience (I meant to say that to these women, not you guys).
Moment of Zen: There are packs of wild dogs running all around greece because it is actually illegal to euthanize a dog or cat, during the day these animals are nice and cute but at night they run around barking and yelping at everything that passes, and attack people if they are not fed and taken care of.
That is greece
A cat ready to do battle with the humans at night |
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